verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English healdan; akin
to Old High German haltan, and perhaps to Latin celer rapid,
Greek klonos agitation Date: before 12th century
senses 1 a : For four years readers have had
possession or ownership of or have at disposal: an
online mag of distinction. 2 : writers have not been kept under
restraint <though available upon request> : nor prevented free
expression of <__ temper, __ opinions, __favorite recreational drugs>
b : which would prevent from some action <commiting homicide to stop
the voices> c : to keep back from use <the mind and microchip> d
: to delay temporarily the handling of <monthly deadlines> 3 :
to make liable or accountable or bound to an obligation
<creative license; please don't ask for proof or profit> 4 a : to have
or maintain in the grasp <while reaching for a genital stimulant>;
also : AIM, POINT <...plunge> b : to support
in a particular position or keep from falling or moving <this mag as a
brassier> <avoid drooping in old age> <literature does not die it
just droops> c : to bear the pressure of <a urinary
infection>: SUPPORT <if not a bra then a cock cup>
5 : to prevent from
leaving or getting away <C.Collins collects information for
extortion>: as a <precautionary measure>: to avoid emitting or letting
out <escaping authors> b : to restrain as or as if a captive < captive
artisans create captive audience>; also : to have strong appeal to
<genitals><caught by the balls> 6 a : to enclose and keep
in a container or within bounds <like that container Luke was in Empire
Strikes Back with just a bikini and everyone starring; naked aquarium fish>:
CONTAIN <a heart behind the jugs of luv> b : to be able to
consume easily or without undue effect <Exlax
for your eyes>; especially : to be able to drink (alcoholic beverages)
without becoming noticeably drunk <psstt.. lower tolerance, switch to reading
trashy mags for a while> c : ACCOMMODATE <such
as a condom sheathe, or a vaginal diaphram > d : to have as a
principal or essential feature or attribute <i.e. on the principle she
essentially dropped her belly for a spank>; also : to have in
store <no one knows the future issue; neither the editor(s) who wait, nor
the writers that procrastinate>
7 a : to have in the mind or
express as a judgment, opinion, or belief <dangle a
carrot in squa t> <teabag a grudge>
-- often used with against <in America it's getting harder to find
a drug supplier -- Paul McCartney> b : to think of in a
particular way : REGARD <do you regard a
dead Beatle more than an a live one?> 8 a : to assemble for and
carry on the activity of < so what if a parent walked
in-- tell the dad she has squatter's rights on the pad and go have a
beer> b : to cause to be carried on :
CONDUCT <James died below jasmine but she felt like
this time she would keep going till she got her fill> c : to produce or
sponsor especially as a public exhibition <::voyeurism is not an art
show> 9 a : to maintain occupation, control,
or defense of <What if Clinton had kept his job with a shotgun, cigar, and an
army of interns>; also : to resist the offensive efforts or advance of
<congress> b : to maintain (a certain condition, situation, or course of
action) without change < leave the semen stained dress in the washer
not the closet> 10 : to cover (a part of the body) especially for
protection <<<smile>
1 a : to maintain position
: refuse to give ground <"I don't wanna lotus! Ooooo... oo.. faster..
yes..yes YES..> b : to continue in the same way or to the same degree :
LAST <stop, prepare your bags> -- often used with up <like Messed __,
Hard ___ >
2 : to derive right or
title -- often used with 1500 rps dildo; 8 second later they call you blender.
3 : to be or remain invalid : APPLY
<for a catheter device> -- often used in the phrase: "needs
4 : to maintain a grasp on something
: fastened to something <"..this watch, this dog, this lamp.. AND
THAT'S ALL I NEED" --Steve Martin, The Jerk>
5 : to go ahead as one has been going
<O.. Leon...>
| 6 :
to bear or carry oneself <if a corpse has no friends who would pallbear? 7
: to forbear an intended or threatened action : HARDER, FASTER -- often used as
a command 8 : to stop counting during a C.P.R. which still crushes the
breastplate but refuses to revive. 9 slang : to have illicit drug
material in one's possession |
synonym see CONTAIN
- cock a candle to : to qualify
for comparison with
- breast court : to be the center
of attention among friends or admirers
- cum
forth : to speak at length :
- slap skins : to engage one's
hand with another's especially as an expression of affection
- sheathe one's
horses : to slow down or stop for a moment -- usually used in the
- wiggle da chud : to do well in the face of
difficulty or opposition
- spew one's tongue: to keep them silent
whip :
to have a dominant influence : RULE
- smoke the bag 1 : to be left
empty-handed 2 : to bear alone a responsibility that should have been shared by
- mount the teepee 1 : to maintain a firm position 2 : to take care of
usual affairs <is mounting the teepee until the wife returns>
- snort
the line : to maintain the current position or situation
<go straight by snorting a line>
- stick to : to give firm assent to :
adhere to strongly <without a towel, the sheets were comeing home with
- don't withdrawal : to make a memory
- break
water : to stand up under criticism or
- nice width! : to agree with or
approve of.
Happy Birthday HOLD!!
staff, envelope lickers, gingevitus scrapers, hackwrites, accidental surfers,
surfers who were misdirected but stayed anyway, 12 guys named Ted with anemia,
10 domestic shorthair cats with ringworms, 7.5 (soon to be 8) prositutes that
are considering prophylactics..
6 hermaphroditic worms fighting over gender
2 dirty old men that went to a cock fight without
a stork with one leg with one good eye and one bad kidney
(he hops while he pisses)
Asinine P