sara T punk


!the BIGGUN hates YOU!


So uh.. below is a thing that I wrote.. and it's not much and
it's not very entertaining, but neither am I.


My number one hobby is bitching.
Well... that's a lie. My number one hobby is smokeables... but my number two hobby is bitching.

I hate things and I bitch about them.

My friends all know I'm the one that bitches all the time. Everyone I went to school with knew me as the weird-ass fat girl that bitched all the time... at work they know me as the same.

Speaking of work...
Some creepy fucking old dude that works at my computer during the day keeps touching my shit and taking my notepads and doing weird shit with black bic pens that results in ink being all over the goddamn place and I got ink on a couple of my freshly painted nails and I want him dead.


I bitch about work, I bitched about school, I bitch about friends...
Everyone knows this.. but every once in a while, someone tells me "Jesus, Biggun, stop bitching so much."

Now why in Jeff's name would anyone tell me to stop bitching so much?

That's what I do.
That's what I'm known for.

I open my mouth and I'm bitching. I put pen to paper and I'm bitching. I set my hands on a keyboard and eventually I'm bitching.

All I'm trying to say is this:
All of you pieces of shit that keep telling me to stop bitching -- Fuckin' make me.


That is all..

Say, why is a tampon aplicator called an aplicator? You don't ~apply~ a
fucking tampon, you insert it.. Shouldn't it be called a blood plug poke
tube or something?
What the hell?

Peace out.

- Biggy G

Rock the fuck on with 4 years of The Hold! That's awesome.




Sara T. Punk was born and raised in a vile little church town in northeastern Oklahoma. ...about 5,000 very oppressive people and 32 churches...'nuff said.

sara T punk

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