I’m tired
of paying for the sins of my forefathers
and their daughters and sons
I’m tired
of paying for their greed and abused trust
trading trinkets for an Island
the epicenter of modern life and lust
stealing stock in exchange
for shiny futures dulled by lies
and the need to establish themselves above the savages.
The world is full of savages of many colors
I’m tired
of paying for their journeys across the oceans
in slave ships
invading the homes of innocence
and destroying lives for generations
all in the name of greed, ignorance and aristocracy
blind to the real truth and full of hypocrisy
The world is full of hypocrites of many colors
I’m tired
of hearing the labels marked by colors
that cut through a soul like a knife in the night
Whitey, Nigger, Tonto, and Spic
Gook, Faggot, Camel Jockey they all make me sick
to think we can’t see beyond the surface.
The world is full of shortsighted racists of many colors
I’m tired
of the conflicts in the name of a God
claims to be the religious right
that cause men to fight over land, life and choice
instead of turning energy towards their right to rejoice
in their faith and conviction
and finding true peace in their religious freedom
The world is full of infidels of many colors
and I will be tired
for some time to come
until we can unravel this mess
and learn to become one
in a new mentality and reality
that will keep us from destroying the future
as our fore fathers have done.
The world is full with dreamers of many colors
And as I have no answer for retribution
or the means of restitution
I can only offer my example
for others to follow
and hope they can pursue
this task with a honest heart, not hollow
and look at the world in a new way
The world is full with change of many colors
Judge no book by its cover
and all though mine is white
doesn’t mean you can’t call me brother
And yours may be Black, Brown, Yellow or Red
you too are in the family of dreamers that look ahead
to the future of a world full of true opportunity.
It only takes a few of us to teach others to see.
The world is full of endless possibilities… …
It owes you nothing.
You owe it