contributors chapbooks
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for less than the cost of a backalley blowjob
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newest releases to the get bizzy

slipstream press #22
slipstream press #22

50 writers - $7.00
dan sicoli
Slipstream Press
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40 pages - $7.00
J.P. Dancing Bear
Slipstream Press
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Cosmic Children
Michael Hathaway

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The Whirligig

Issue #5-$3.00
Frank J. Marcopolos
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bart solarczyk
Peshekee River Poetry
Tom Blessing, Editor
writers on thestorm
Writers on the Storm:
Stories, Observations, and Essays

Hardcover - Carter Monroe
with Tim Peeler, Robert Canipe
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Paperback: 212 pages
Carter Monroe

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Sittin' in With the Sun

$6.00 postpaid
Carter Monroe
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Ron Androla
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Situational Reality

80 pages, perfect bound
Michael McNeilley
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Songs are Dreams

dAev dembinski

founder of
s a griffin - unborn again
unborn again

$12.00 postpaid
S.A. Griffin
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non compos mentis press
240 thompson avenue
east liverpool, OH 43920
Pitching Twisted Coins
In the Corners of Twisted Smiles
jeff filipski
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Divas - $10.00

Haze McElhenny
Penguin Studios

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Martin - $10.00
Haze McElhenny
Penguin Studios

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The Moon is Backwards

$7.95 s/incl
charlie nast
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Before It's Light - Lyn Lifshin
$16.00 (1-57423-114-6/paper)
$27.50 (1-57423-115-4/cloth trade)
$35.00 (1-57423-116-2/signed cloth)
Bird.gif - 156 BytesBlack Sparrow Press
Love Storms
Love Storms

30 page poetry chapbook
laura alleman
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Love and Other Mysteries
Donna Hill
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Nola in the Streets

R.L. Stephenson
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in the midst of
erected poems©

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Smell ME-1©

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Smell ME-again©

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paPer trip...
...the god plan©

all poetry, prose, art, photography, books and especially the rants
are copyright of their respective authors-
unauthorized use is prohibited.
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