today he went back to the OUTLAW BIBLE
expletives are never deleted from the truth
the word choices are inexplicable
conjugal phrases form and come together
it's all about puzzle pieces created in 30 yrs.
cruising around in remanded subconscious
trying to connect with furtive sense of memory
a thought expressed in line stimulates
a personal joining of expression
the count, the context, the meaning
pragmatic only in the most superficial way
personal demons and supreme fallacies
thrown together in a wasteland of verbosity
i reach down in drunken primeval days
out of touch, i rationalize and justify
was it right, wrong, indifferent
does it matter in an objective sense
the defining haunts me like the ghost
who made me run home screaming
and place the covers tightly over my head
Carter Monroe lives, works, and writes in the provinces. His novel, Journey, was published in January 2001. He participated in a conspiratorial effort with Robert Canipe and Tim Peeler entitled Writers on the Storm. Both of these books can be purchased at most major book chains as well as the traditional internet outlets. Recent poems and stories have appeared in Poems Niederngasse, Poethia, Third Lung Review, Thunder Sandwich, The Americana Poetry Consortium, Lost and Found Times, and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.

Sitting in With the Sun review by Jim Chandler Thunder Reviews
"Sitting in with the Sun" available at Rank Stranger Press |